This blog will guide you through setting up for your best day, beginning with a simple morning meditation that helps you check in with yourself and your current state. The goal is to cultivate more effective, calm, and centered days.
Three States
After I wake up, I enjoy a cup of coffee, splash cold water on my face, and then sit for a 10-minute meditation—before opening my laptop or reaching for my phone. Meditation comes first, grounding my day and giving me a moment that’s just for me. I've found it improves my endurance and resilience, helping me stay centered and focused whether the day brings ease or challenges.
Recently, I incorporated a new element into my morning meditation that has been transformative. Now, at the end of my session, I ask myself which of the following three “buckets” I fall into:
Speaking my emotional state out loud helps me acknowledge and accept where I am in that moment. On peaceful mornings, I savor the calm; when I feel tense, naming it seems to lighten its load, creating space to process and be present with the feeling. If I'm excited, I take a moment to embrace that eagerness for the day ahead.
When I first started this practice, I sometimes confused tension with excitement, often lumping them together. Now, I recognize that excitement brings an eagerness for the day, for writing, and for my work with clients. This exercise in self-awareness helps me better understand and navigate my emotions, making each day a little more fulfilling.
The Legacy Method
This approach is an extension of Body-Based coaching, known as the Legacy Method. It teaches individuals to use their physical body and emotions as a guide to find answers and process feelings, fostering a stronger connection with themselves. Developing this emotional fluency takes some initial effort, but once you grasp the basics, there’s no turning back—it’s highly effective.
Curious about starting each day with clarity and purpose? Join me in exploring how morning check-ins can lead to a more centered, productive day. Together, we’ll enhance your self-awareness and resilience. Whether you’re striving to alleviate tension, cultivate peacefulness, or embrace excitement, finding harmony between these states is key to living well.